The Asia Open RAN Academy finalized its 2022 Knowledge Sharing Session Series by awarding Certificates of Attendance to 624 individuals from over 50 Filipino academic institutions. These sessions, held weekly between July and December, have provided a space for eminent Open RAN thought leaders to present on their area of expertise. Presenters from DOST-ASTI, Smart, Mavenir, Terra Hertz, Samsung, University Santo Tomas and more, shared their work on topics varying from the basics of open RAN to open RAN use cases, in-depth understanding of ORAN architecture, and more.
The majority of attendees were from the local Philippines telecommunications sector, followed by other industries, education, and government. “The Open RAN is an emerging technology that will revolutionize communication networks. Hence, it is imperative to meet the demand for competent human resources. The impressive attendance in the Knowledge Sharing Sessions is a good indication of interest among learners. We hope to sustain and grow this further as the learning programs are rolled out in 2023.” Dr. Franz de Leon Interim-Chair of AORA and Director of the Philippine’s Department of Science and Technology Institute/Advanced Science and Technology Institute. In 2023, AORA will relaunch the weekly webinars as Public Lecture Series starting with the future of open RAN and the industries major players. Focus will be on open RAN use cases from Japanese partners and how that can be replicated in the Philippines.
The Asia Open RAN Academy is part of USAID’s Agency-wide vision to achieve and sustain open, secure, and inclusive digital ecosystems. Open RAN has the potential to positively disrupt the current proprietary legacy networks systems that keep the market closed and internet access constrained.